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Your Contribution Enables Us to Save Lives
Here is how it works:
Pick Your Contribution and Reward Below
Your Support Allows us to Mass Produce in 2023
You Receive Your Unit in the Fall of 2023
Install Your Unit and Begin Protecting Your Home
As a Thank You For Your Support
As supporters of our crowdfunding campaign, you have the opportunity to obtain your own Seismocon unit at a much lower price than what it will cost once out on the market. We have managed to fund all of the research and development stages so far from our own pockets with every team member working for free.
By starting this crowdfunding campaign, we aren't just pre-selling our products with great discounts and gathering funds to help us start production, we are also building a community of individuals who want to keep themselves, their families, and their neighborhoods safe. We welcome your feedback on how we can continue making Seismocon the product that will save lives.
We appreciate any contribution to achieve our goal to build a digital lifejacket for people in their homes exposed to natural disasters.
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